What is the metaverse?

What is the metaverse?

The metaverse is a fictitious virtual universe that allows individuals to interact in three dimensions within shared spaces. It is a sort of Internet of the future, where people no longer surf online in two dimensions via browsers, but in 3D, using avatars and virtual reality headsets.

Following Facebook’s change of name to Meta, the word “Metaverse” has sparked new interest. For many years, there has been a great deal of speculation about how the Internet and technology will evolve: Web1, Web2, Web3 etc. Today, when we talk about the different stages in the development of the Internet, we refer to the “metaverse”.

Let’s move on from these definitions and imagine for a moment that you can create your perfect alter-ego in a virtual world that you have full control over. You can do whatever you want and purchase whatever you want. The possibilities are almost endless.

This is the scenario described in the science-fiction novel Snow Crash written by Neal Stephenson in 1992. But it could soon actually come true. The business world is hard at work to make sure that all the necessary layers, technologies and protocols are ready to create the “metaverse”.


What does metaverse mean?

The metaverse is a changing network made up of virtual worlds based on real-time interaction, where people can work, socialize with each other, carry out transactions, play and even create things. It uses virtualization and advanced technologies (AR and VR) to fully immerse the user in a virtual world. This means that users can interact directly with a world that is constantly available and that they can access whenever they like.

Many enthusiasts think that the perfect futuristic version of the metaverse would consist of a unique platform where users would have a personality, identity and connected services, and in which various different worlds would be created for them to access. It would be like a world with several sub-worlds that people can enter, leave or even create. A number of important issues remain unresolved: the definition of digital identity, digital ownership, digital currencies and the universal transferability of digital assets – to ensure that the economy of the virtual world works smoothly.

The metaverse could then replace several aspects of our lives, revolutionizing how tourism works, what concerts mean to us, how we approach art exhibitions and above all, the way in which we learn, study, interact and even make friends.


What is metaverse technology?

The metaverse is the logical next step to the Internet. From its initial stages, when the only possibility was to read existing information, right up to the era of social media and the economy of designers, not forgetting the immersion of the virtual world in our own world. The focus of Internet and the information era is clear: we will gradually witness the appearance of virtual worlds that virtual users can immerse themselves in.

As a society, we still have a number of problems to solve, since social interaction, the digital economy and the illusion of perfect visual worlds will have countless repercussions on our everyday lives.

The development of the metaverse is only just beginning, but as these developments speed up and as billions are invested in the metaverse, following the impetus given to the project by COVID, it will soon take on a more important role in our lives. Even Bill Gates believes that within a few years, most work and meetings will take place in the metaverse instead of in physical meeting rooms and on business trips.

We will have to wait and see which type of metaverse prevails and will establish itself to create the anticipated network effect. On the market, the winner takes it all, and the metaverse could be the greatest example of a digital ecosystem.